Navigating the Interview Maze: Your Ultimate Guide to Acing the Job Interview

Navigating the Interview Maze: Your Ultimate Guide to Acing the Job Interview

Admin icon Admin
Calender icon 01 Dec 2023

Are you a university student?

Are you in your final year of your diploma?

Are you planning to go for an internship/job?

Are you going to face an interview recently?

If you answer those questions as ‘Yes’. Please stay with me as I am going to share some important tips with you to kick-startyour career with an excellent impression!

In the modern era, Interviews are playing a key role in ensuring a post for us. Due to many reasons, employers always prefer to hold Interviews more than written exams. Here are some reasons,

It is very important to make sure that the candidate’s qualification will fit the particular job. Interviews allow employers to learn more about a candidate's skills, experience, and knowledge. They can also assess a candidate's soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. This information is essential for making an informed hiring decision.

Interviews are a two-way street. employers want to learn more about candidates, but candidates also want to learn more about the company and the position. Interviews give candidates a chance to ask questions and get a better understanding of what it would be like to work for the company. On the other hand, employers are also able to know about the true state of the Candidate.

It is very essential to build a rapport with the candidate as he/she will be the future employee/ part of your company. Interviews are also an opportunity for employers and candidates to get to know each other on a personal level. This can help to build a rapport and create a positive impression.

Interviews are important for both employers and candidates. They help employers to make informed hiring decisions and they help candidates to find the right job for their skills and experience. It will reduce unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts in future on both sides.

But before you update your LinkedIn and head to the nearest coworking spot, you need to understand that interviews are difficult. They ask a variety of questions that will put your knowledge and skills to the test.

Fortunately, we have prepared the following article to help you ace that interview with full confidence & courage.

So take a deep breath, trust yourself, and get ready to dive into the interview questions.

  1. Tell me about yourself.

    This is a general question that is meant to help the interviewer get to know you and your background. Focus on your skills and experience that are relevant to the internship position, and explain why you are interested in the role.

  2. Why do you want to work at this company?

    This question shows that you have done your research on the company and that you are genuinely interested in working there. Highlight the company's mission, values, or products that appeal to you, and explain how the internship can help you achieve your career goals.

  3. What interests you about this role?

    Be specific about your interests and how they relate to the internship position. For example, if you are interested in marketing, you could talk about your experience with social media or your desire to learn more about SEO.

  4. What are your strengths?

    Choose a few of your strengths that are most relevant to the internship position. Be specific and provide examples to support your claims. For example, if you are a strong communicator, you could talk about a time when you successfully communicated a complex idea to a non-technical audience.

  5. What are your weaknesses?

    Everyone has weaknesses, so be honest and open about yours. However, focus on a weakness that you are working on improving. For example, if you are shy, you could talk about how you are practising giving presentations.

  6. What are your career goals?

    This question helps the interviewer understand your long-term goals and how the internship fits into your plans. Be honest and specific about your aspirations. For example, if you want to be a software engineer, you could talk about your desire to gain experience in a specific programming language or to develop your web development skills.

  7. Why should we hire you?

    This is your chance to sell yourself to the interviewer and explain why you are the best candidate for the internship. Highlight your skills, experience, and passion for the role. For example, you could talk about your relevant coursework, your extracurricular activities, or your personal projects.

    In addition to these common questions, you may also be asked behavioural interview questions. These questions are designed to assess your skills and experience in real-world situations. For example, you might be asked to describe a time when you had to overcome a challenge or when you worked effectively as part of a team.

  8. Tell me about a time when you had to overcome a challenge.

    For this question, You need to provide some examples from your real-life experiences. Most of the companies expect employees not only to be a successful person but also to be a person who has the ability to face challenges and overcome them with a sportive manner. So while answering this question, you need to consider providing a satisfactory answer with a polite manner as sometimes it will let the interviewers think that you are overconfident, proud or a little cocky.

    eg:- In my previous internship, I was tasked with developing a new marketing campaign for a product launch. However, the budget for the campaign was very limited. I had to be creative and resourceful in order to develop a campaign that was both effective and affordable. I ended up using social media and influencer marketing to reach our target audience. As a result, the campaign was a success and we exceeded our sales goals.

    We call these kinds of questions behavioural questions. These questions may help the interviewer to know not only about your character but also about your persistence which is very essential while working among a different kind of people. Here are some additional tips for you. When answering behavioural interview questions, be sure to focus on the STAR method:

    Situation: Briefly describe the situation.

    Task: What was your goal or objective?

    Action: What steps did you take to achieve your goal?

    Result: What was the outcome?

  9. What are you most excited to learn from this internship?

    For this question, list out the specific skills that you wish to learn while performing in that particular position. Like, I am most excited to learn more about specific skills or areas of knowledge. For example, if you are applying for an internship in software engineering, you could say that you are most excited to learn about a specific programming language or framework. If you are applying for an internship in marketing, you could say that you are most excited to learn about social media marketing or SEO.

  10. What are your salary expectations?

    It is important to research salary expectations for interns in your field before the interview. As an Intern, you can’t have higher expectations about salary. But when you are doing a paid internship, you need to make sure that it is acceptable for you.It could be able to help you to manage your daily costs such as food and travel expenses.

    You can use online resources like or Glassdoor to get an idea of the average salary range. Once you have a good understanding of the salary range, you can tell the interviewer that you are flexible with your salary and that you are more interested in the opportunity to learn and grow. But mind it, as an intern, you have the minimum abilities to bargain with the employers about your salary expectations. But it can be a different situation for a person who has previous experience in that field.

    Here are some more questions that an interviewer might ask you.

    • What are your thoughts on remote work?
    • How do you handle stress and pressure?
    • What are your communication skills like?
    • How do you prioritise your work?
    • What is your experience with working in a team environment?
  11. Do you have any questions for me?

    In most interviews, This question is asked by the interviewers at the end. Most of the time we skip this question by answering ”No sir/madam.”But It is always better to have a few questions prepared for the interviewer at the end of the interview. This shows that you are interested in the company and the internship position. You can ask questions about the company culture, the internship program, or the specific projects that you would be working on. It will make you clear about the work you are going to do.

    Here are some example questions that you could ask. You can create some on your own according to your position, environment,expectation, and the company too.

    • Can you tell me more about the internship program?
    • What are the biggest challenges that interns face in this role?
    • What are the opportunities for professional development and growth in this role?
    • What is the company culture like??
    • What are the company's goals for the next year?

    By preparing for your questions thoughtfully, you can increase your chances of success and land your dream internship.

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